The Odessa Jackalopes announced today that six players from their youth hockey program are moving up to the Junior ‘A’ Hockey level. It’s the highest number of players to leave for a higher level at one time in the program’s history.
Mason Desilets, Keegan Kelly, Jesus Mercado, DJ Pyle, Corey Reynolds, and Jonathan Voyles will all travel to different parts of the country this winter to continue their hockey careers.
“We’re very proud of what these players have been able to accomplish,” said Donnie Margettie, Director of Youth Hockey. “It will be a wonderful experience for them to continue playing hockey, travel with their teams, and play against better competition.”
Five of the players will be members of the Western States Hockey League (WSHL). Mercado, Pyle, and Voyles will play for the New Mexico Renegades. This will be Mercado’s first venture into junior hockey – he plays defense. Pile and Voyles will begin their second season in New Mexico lining up as forwards for the team.
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